Thursday, March 28, 2019

 Dear family, here's my pregnancy story. 

Jamie and I became pregnant at the end of November of 2021. We used the same condom twice, which we had never done before. Lesson learned, always change condoms. They work very well when used correctly. We use condoms because we are both on disability. We cannot take care of a baby because of our disabilities. I have a hard time dressing myself. My arms are very weak. I cannot lift a baby. 

If we were pregnant, then Jamie considered us moving in with dad. I considered adoption. We chose adoption.
Thankfully I was taking vitamins every day during the time of conception. Luckily the Kroger brand women's vitamin I was taking had %170 folate, extremely important for the growth of the baby. I also had iron pills, which I took to bump up my iron intake for %150 iron. 

I knew I was pregnant within the first week and a half after I ate chili and got hot flashes from the chili. At this point Jamie bought me foods that were good for pregnancy. I never had any morning sickness because I changed my diet right away. I tried drinking peppermint tea, but I couldn't even swallow it, I had to spit it back out. I stuck with milk and V-8.

I assume my fecal matter was perfect for pregnancy because I ate the same, healthy foods every day, no constipation, as some women have during pregnancy. I did however worry because if I'm not full enough with bulked up fecal matter and have too much fecal matter coming out of me, my stomach will be extremely empty and my stomach will throb. 

I researched doing sit ups online and found that it was okay. I did hard core stomach crunches, because that's what I would normally do if I need to bulk up fecal matter or make my tummy feel better. I was hesitant to do this, not knowing if I'd harm the implantation process, which was occurring at that time, due to the pink coloring in my heavy leukorrhea.

I did 8 crunches and began cramping after that. I bled out in the toilet for the next two days. I researched bleeding during pregnancy and found different possibilities. Harmful ectopic, harmful miscarriage, or hematomas that do not harm the baby.

Long story short, I accidently and unintentionally miscarried my baby, boy Link. How do I know he is a he? I saw two visions of him in heaven. The first vision was 2 1/2 months after the loss. I see a 1-year-old being carried in the arms of a person or an angel in heaven. Link looked at me with his googly eyes. A few months later I see a boy wearing a shepherds' robe holding a staff, standing next to Jesus, who also wore the same style garments with His own staff, as He was squatting or kneeling next to Link. They were on a grassy knoll, probably 60 feet away from me. Link looked at me, then he put his hood over his head and turned toward Jesus. Then Jesus looked at me and put His hood over his head.

Some people who have had near death experiences say that the unborn who die, and children who die grow exponentially in heaven, much faster than on earth. This confirms real time visions of what I saw. I wasn't seeing the future; I was seeing right then and there my son in heaven, two times at different ages in the span of 5 to 6 months.

I asked Jesus, "Who are you?" back in 1998. I did not read the bible, I did not go to a church building. Jesus gave me five, 3D visions and dreams over a 24-year period, that profess and testify His reality. In 2019 I took my visions and dreams to the internet to research online bibles to make sense of what Jesus showed me. The five visions He showed me are chronological with the bible. In the last days people will dream dreams, see visions and prophecy. I also saw my son in heaven with Jesus.

I love my virile husband. I was hesitant to copulate. He understood this and volunteered to get a vasectomy. I told him to give me time. We've come to the conclusion that we are not trying to have kids, so copulation should not be a once-a-month, clockwork chore. It should be a few and far in between physical bond as a thankful blessing like in the Bible's the Song of Solomon; the holy days of physical bonding of the marriage between man and wife. Marriage was made for the glory of God whom He created marriage and all things. Be thankful.

What about all the females who were forced to abort by their boyfriend, husband pimp, porn director, parents, or guardians? This never seems to be a topic when it comes to my body my choice. There's always a flip side.

If you saw a newborn infant on the side of the road in a car seat, and you said to yourself, "That baby's father raped the mother; therefore, the baby deserves to die," that would be the same as saying that to an unborn baby whose father was a rapist of that baby's mother. Why is it okay to punish the child for the father's crime? I don't agree with any laws saying a rapist has the right to custody. 

We all have the right to choose to lie, steal, dishonor our parents, kill people including the unborn, but that does not make it okay to do those things even if everyone else does those things. If hell is a fact, are you willing to gamble with the possibility of hell? Thou shall not kill includes the unborn.

Tap the link...



Yes. Your adoption agency and/or the adoptive family will pay for all of your medical needs. Your adoption agency will also connect you to a legal professional for your adoption. This will be covered by the adoption agency and the family you choose. 

You don’t need to worry about finding the money to pay for any bills related to your pregnancy. When you work with adoption agencies that pay for prenatal care, hospital expenses and more, your adoption specialist will take care of everything for you so that you can focus on having a healthy, safe pregnancy. Tap the link to learn about adoption agencies.

Tap the link...

A B O R T I O N, 

All I'm doing is giving you real factual information that you can judge upon for yourself. I'm cool like that. There's more to be studied on this topic... Undercover Videos of Planned Parenthood and Abortion Clinics

Born Alive Infants Protection Act
Any child born in the United States including a survivor of a failed abortion attempt is guaranteed the full rights and legal protections of citizenship and entitled to life saving medical care.

These babies are not clumps of cells. Some of these babies will live up to eight hours until they die alone on a table, which is against the law. Corporations will buy baby body parts which you can see in undercover videos further below.

In this video the abortionist says that if a baby is alive after the abortion, they won't take that baby to the hospital. They allow the baby to die alone on a table. Viability is the law. These abortionists go against the law. For those females who get abortions in hospitals, those babies who survive the abortion are also allowed to die alone. There are nurses and doctors who attest to this in testimonials, which I'll probably add those videos further below. But there's enough here with just a few undercover videos that I hope you watch.
This abortionist lies and says he's never had viable, botched abortions in his office, but then he admits that he has after explaining what happens to viable botched abortion babies who survive. The woman undercover, gets him to tell the truth.

It's against the law to sell human fetal tissue. Abortionists do sell human fetal tissues, yet they do it through a loophole calling the fetal tissue medical waste to be picked up by whoever wants to buy it

It's not illegal to sell stem cells from naturally birthed umbilical cords, because there's no harm done to those babies.
The biggest and most intact baby parts, the bigger the money. This is why buyers of baby parts want 3rd trimester abortionsI think, hmm, if a baby is induced and fully in tact during the 3rd trimester, the highest bidder might want that baby alive to have for their evil doing for their sexual and sacrificial rituals. 


Here's planned parenthood staff 
encouraging sexual deviancy 
to people under the age of 18.

How the sexual revolution hijacked classic feminism


Abortion gestation by state law... link

African Sex Ed by Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood's Agenda from 1967.
View the entire memo below...

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